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Sharing your
passion for food

Culinary adventure in Kyiv: a day tour with tastings and a master class for English and Russian speaking foreign guests who appreciate good food and make gastronomy the hero of their travels.

About us

  • Who are we

    We are two passionate gastro-enthusiasts, Julia and Olga. Leaving jobs in sales and marketing, we created Foodmate together out of love to do what fascinates us: introducing guests to our culture through gastronomic traditions.

  • Our mission

    To open new tastes to guests from other countries and cultures, to surprise and impress. Our goal is to promote local producers and masters of cuisine, as well as Ukrainian traditions and culinary culture.

About Foodmate

We are two passionate gastro-enthusiasts, Julia and Olga. Leaving jobs in sales and marketing, we created Foodmate together out of love to do what fascinates us: introducing guests to our culture through gastronomic traditions.

To open new tastes to guests from other countries and cultures, to surprise and impress. Our goal is to promote local producers and masters of cuisine, as well as Ukrainian traditions and culinary culture.
