Foodmate” (“we”, “us” or “our”) is a website for an advertisement and booking a gastro
tour in Ukraine. This Privacy Notice explains how we process the data we obtain from you
when you access our website (“Website”). Please read this Notice
carefully before using our website and entering your personal data.

1. Who we are?
We are represented by the Private Entrepreneur Korosteleva Yulia, registry number
3231821646, registered at Ukraine, 01133, Kyiv, 7а Lesi Ukrainky blvd, apt. 172,
who is the data controller. You may contact us via email at
You can get in touch with us if you want to access, change or delete your personal
data processed on our website.
2. What kinds of data are processed and how it will be used?

  • Our website automatically collects the data about your device and you may give
    voluntarily the data for different purposes.
    Automatically we collect
    o IP address, device type, device identification numbers, browser-type,
    preferences and broad geographic location.
    o We process the data based on the performance of the contract needed for
    the website’s functioning. This data is handled by the controller of the
    o This data is used for analytical and statistical purposes and used for the
    improvement of the website operation and removing bags. The legal ground
    for processing the data is a legitimate interest.
    You voluntarily give us
    o Name, telephone number, and an email when you register for a tour.
    o We process this information for the further provision of tour services for
    you and for communication with you based on the performance of the
    o We process the data for advertising purposes based on your consent. Please
    read about the opportunity of withdrawal of your consent in para 7 of this

3. How do we share and disclose data?
We can share your data with third parties restaurants, communication, marketing,
and advertising agencies, payment, and gateway processors for delivering our tour
services to you.
Please note that these services apply their Terms and Privacy Notices. We conduct the
transition of the data in a secure and protected way.
We may disclose your data when we have an official request from a governmental
The data that you enter on our website is processed in Ukraine and the EU.  We do
not intend to share your data outside these territories. All data is stored in
4. Do we use cookies?
A cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on your computer
while the user is browsing. Cookies generally do not permit us to identify you
You may turn off, block, delete cookies in your browser via settings. Please consult
the policies of a  browser that you use (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari,
and Microsoft Edge) to manage cookies.
If you turn off cookies, you can continue to use the Website and browse its pages.
5. How do we handle your data?
We implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to safeguard the
collected data from unauthorized processing and accidental loss, destruction,
damage, and safe transfer to third parties.  For example, only  authorised
personnel and contractors have access to your data.
We keep your personal data for 3 years from the moment we receive the data from
you unless the other is not required by law. If you do not contact us again within 3
years after submitting your data to us, we will delete it from our systems.
6. How do we treat minors?
We do not intend to collect data from children under 16 years old. Children aged
under 16 should not submit any personal data without the permission of their parents
or guardians.
However, if you are a parent or guardian and are concerned about the personal data
of your child, please contact
7. How can you manage your personal data?
You can request to access, correct, amend, restrict and object processing,
transfer, or delete the data you entered into our website. You may ask to request
one of the above-mentioned actions by contacting us via email at
You may also withdraw your consent from processing your data at any time by
contacting at
In case you did not receive an answer or your request was not fulfilled, you may
write a complaint to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights via
8. How do we update this Notice?
All relations between you and us are regulated by the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data
Protection”. We reserve the right to amend this Notice at any time due to changes in
the legislation or because of changing the functioning of our Website. All updates will
be published in this document. We strongly encourage you to read our Privacy Notice
and keep yourself informed of any amendments.